Just days before Daddy went back to work, Eli developed a fear of the dark. Calling Daddy at work before going to bed to hear how he would protect Eli from any size or type of monster did seem to work for a few days, but eventually we were visited by him in the middle of the night wanting to sleep with us.

One night, a cooler evening, when the back door was still open, Eli made up his mind that there were monsters out there as well. After a long debate of how there are no monsters he came to the conclusion that the bubble blowers would make the monsters go away. So we both armed ourselves bravely and headed out the back door to slay any creepy monsters hanging around out there. We turned in circles while blowing bubbles and telling monsters to go away. Then, with a bit of nervousness and fast feet he ran back inside sure that he chased them all away. But defeating the monsters in his room was another story....bubbles don't work according to Eli. So, Yesterday, I, Ben and Eli headed to the Dollar Store and bought a water bottle sprayer. Together, Ben and Eli made sticker labels titled "No More Monsters" and "Monsters Be Gone" and "Secret Monster Spray". Eli is really starting to look up to Ben, aka Bubba. It was pretty neat to watch Ben do this for Eli and witness Eli's expressions of admiration toward Ben. I then got out a large pot and told Eli we'd make monster spray for his room. I opened the fridge and asked him "what do you think monsters don't like". He really got into it....first it was melp (milk), then muserd (mustard) and pune jews (prune juice). I mixed it all up and poured it into the spray bottle, which oddly enough smelled just like Febreeze! Eli smelled it and said EEWWWW!!!! lolol. Now, before he goes to bed he sprays is room to repel any monsters. It hasn't made them go away 100%, but it certainly has helped and tonight he fell to sleep without fear or tears!!!! I can't wait for Daddy to get home from work to hear how brave his little buddy was tonight!!!


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